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Thursday Market Close: After-Hours Buzz Recap

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Here is a closer look at the companies making waves after-hours, alongside a recap of the broader market trends that defined the day.

Hasbro $HAS was one of the stocks in focus after reporting third-quarter earnings that beat expectations, with an EPS of $1.73 surpassing estimates by $0.42. However, despite the solid earnings, revenue came in at $1.28 billion, missing projections by $20 million, and representing a year-over-year decline of 14.8%. The market reacted negatively to the mixed results, as shares of Hasbro closed the day down 6.01%. The toy giant also provided a dim outlook for the upcoming holiday season, citing lower guidance and persistent declines in sales. Cost-saving efforts have helped keep profitability intact, but it’s clear that the ongoing slowdown in toy sales is taking a toll on the company's top line, leaving investors cautious about the company’s near-term prospects.

Harley-Davidson $HOG also faced challenges, with its stock sliding 7.21% after reporting a 32.5% drop in revenue for Q3 compared to the same period last year. The iconic motorcycle brand is struggling with weak consumer demand in the face of high borrowing costs and inflationary pressures, particularly in its North American market. Despite posting an EPS of $0.91, which beat estimates by $0.10, the company’s lowered full-year revenue forecast further eroded investor confidence. Harley-Davidson's third-quarter results painted a picture of a company grappling with shrinking margins and the effects of rising interest rates, and investors are understandably wary of the road ahead.

International Business Machines $IBM joined the list of after-hours decliners, with shares sliding 6.17% following the release of mixed Q3 results. While IBM’s earnings surpassed expectations, its revenue missed the mark, leading to concerns about slowing enterprise spending and the impact on its consulting business. Analysts have expressed concerns over IBM’s ability to sustain growth amid a cooling business environment, particularly in areas like cloud computing and artificial intelligence, which had previously driven optimism for the tech giant. While IBM's AI business continues to gain momentum, the weaker-than-expected revenue numbers have tempered enthusiasm, with analysts divided on the company’s long-term outlook.

Keurig Dr Pepper $KDP also found itself under pressure, with its stock falling 4.80% after its Q3 results were released. The beverage company’s EPS of $0.51 met expectations, but revenue of $3.89 billion fell short, missing estimates by $30 million. In an effort to diversify and boost future growth, Keurig Dr Pepper made a bold move by acquiring energy drink maker Ghost for nearly $1 billion. While the acquisition marks a strategic expansion into the growing energy drink market, the missed revenue target and the high cost of the deal left investors with questions about the company’s ability to effectively integrate its new portfolio and achieve meaningful long-term returns from the acquisition.

Southwest Airlines $LUV was another name on the decline, with shares down 5.56% in after-hours trading. The airline posted a year-over-year revenue increase of 5.3%, bringing in $6.87 billion for the quarter, and beating expectations with an EPS of $0.15. However, the relatively modest earnings growth and the company's exposure to elevated operating costs—driven by higher fuel prices and increased labor expenses—left investors concerned. Furthermore, the airline’s guidance for the remainder of the year hinted at continued headwinds, casting a shadow over the upcoming holiday travel season.

Overall, Thursday after-hours trading session reflected a broader market that remains cautious, with mixed earnings results underscoring the ongoing challenges companies face in navigating a high-interest-rate environment.

While some companies managed to beat earnings estimates, the revenue shortfalls and lowered guidance across various sectors are likely to weigh on investor sentiment as we head into the end of the week.

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