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Friday's Closing Bell: Market Wraps Up a Mixed Day

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  • like  18 Oct 2024

The stock market closed out a mixed Friday, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average experiencing a slight dip while the Nasdaq Composite saw gains, largely fueled by Netflix's stellar earnings report. The S&P 500 also managed to eke out a new record closing high, marking the sixth consecutive week of gains for both the S&P 500 and the Dow. This sustained upward momentum speaks to a generally bullish undercurrent in the market, despite some individual stock disappointments.

American Express ($AXP) presented a mixed bag, beating earnings per share estimates at $3.49 versus the anticipated $3.27, but slightly missing revenue projections. Despite the earnings beat, the stock saw a decline of 3.15%, possibly reflecting investor concern over the marginal revenue miss and anxieties surrounding the broader economic climate. The company's raised 2024 EPS guidance seems to have failed to assuage these worries. This reaction underscores the market's sensitivity to revenue growth, particularly in the current economic environment. Investors may be interpreting the miss as a potential sign of weakening consumer spending.

In stark contrast, Netflix ($NFLX) delivered a blockbuster performance, handily exceeding both earnings and revenue expectations. Earnings per share came in at $5.40 against estimates of $5.12, while revenue reached $9.82 billion, surpassing the projected $9.79 billion. The stock surged over 11% on the news, demonstrating the market's reward for strong performance and growth in the streaming sector. The company's strong subscriber growth, particularly in its ad-supported tier, likely contributed to investor enthusiasm. This positive reaction suggests a continued appetite for high-growth tech stocks with strong fundamentals.

Fifth Third Bancorp ($FITB) also presented a mixed picture, beating earnings estimates at $0.85 per share compared to the expected $0.82. However, revenue missed the mark, and the stock fell by 1.54%. Similar to American Express, the market appears to be prioritizing revenue growth. The increased provision for credit losses might also be contributing to investor hesitancy.

Schlumberger ($SLB) followed a similar pattern, beating earnings projections with $0.89 per share versus the anticipated $0.88, but falling short on revenue. The stock dropped by 4.71%, mirroring the market's sensitivity to revenue performance in the energy sector.

Overall, Friday's market activity reinforces the current emphasis on revenue growth as a key indicator of company health and future prospects. While strong earnings are important, they don't appear to be enough to offset revenue misses in the current market climate. Investors seem to be increasingly discerning, focusing on companies that demonstrate sustained top-line growth and managing expectations in sectors facing economic headwinds. The divergence in performance between companies like American Express and Netflix highlights the importance of company-specific factors and sector trends in driving investment decisions.

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