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Friday Technical Analysis of the Week’s Hottest Stocks

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  • like  18 Oct 2024

As we wrap up another eventful week in the markets, several stocks have caught the eye of technical analysts and traders alike. Let's dive into some key technical indicators, chart patterns, and potential future moves for a handful of notable tickers.

HealthEquity Inc. $HQY has been on a tear, recently hitting a fresh 52-week high of $88.59. The stock's upward momentum is evident in its 12% gain over the past month. From a technical standpoint, this breakout above previous resistance levels suggests strong buying pressure. The next key level to watch would be the psychological $90 mark. If $HQY can maintain its uptrend and close above this level, we could see further upside potential. However, traders should be cautious of potential pullbacks as stocks often experience consolidation after reaching new highs.

Idaho Strategic Resources Inc. $IDR is another stock flirting with its 52-week high. Trading just 2% below its recent peak of $17.25, $IDR appears to be in a strong uptrend. The proximity to its yearly high indicates robust investor confidence. From a technical perspective, a breakthrough above $17.25 could trigger a new leg up. Traders should keep an eye on volume patterns; increasing volume on upward moves would confirm the strength of the trend.

Futu Holdings Limited $FUTU presents an interesting technical setup. Despite recent weakness, with the stock losing 16.3% over the past week, a hammer chart pattern has formed. This pattern often signals a potential reversal, especially when it appears at the end of a downtrend. If $FUTU can bounce off this level and break above its short-term moving averages, it could indicate the start of a new uptrend. The key will be watching for confirmation in the form of increased buying volume and a break above recent resistance levels.

Cisco Systems $CSCO has been outperforming its sector, hitting a 52-week high of $56.58. The stock's ability to break above previous resistance levels is a bullish sign. Traders should monitor the $57-$58 range as the next potential resistance area. A convincing break above this zone could open the door for a move towards $60. However, it's crucial to keep an eye on the overall market sentiment, as tech stocks can be sensitive to broader market movements.

Apple $AAPL reaching all-time highs is always noteworthy. The tech giant's ability to continually push higher speaks to its market dominance and investor confidence. From a technical standpoint, there's no overhead resistance to speak of, which could allow for further upside. However, traders should be aware that stocks trading at all-time highs can be prone to increased volatility. Watching relative strength indicators for signs of overbought conditions could provide clues for potential short-term pullbacks.

NVIDIA Corporation $NVDA continues to impress, hitting a new 52-week high of $140.89. The stock's 16.2% gain over the past month indicates strong momentum. Technically, $NVDA is in uncharted territory, which can be both exciting and challenging for traders. The lack of historical resistance levels means potential for continued upside, but it also increases the importance of watching momentum indicators for signs of exhaustion.

As we head into next week, these stocks will undoubtedly be on many traders' watchlists. Remember, while technical analysis can provide valuable insights, it's crucial to combine these observations with fundamental analysis and overall market conditions for a comprehensive trading strategy. #Technical

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