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Market Sentiment Turns Cautious as Earnings Season Kicks Off

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  • like  15 Oct 2024

As the third-quarter earnings season gets underway, Wall Street took a cautious stance on Tuesday, with major indexes pulling back from recent highs. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed down 0.31%, while the S&P 500 fell 0.34% and the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite dropped 1.02%.

Today's session was marked by mixed earnings reports from major companies, raising concerns about global economic growth and corporate profitability. While some firms beat expectations, others provided tepid outlooks, leading investors to reassess their positions.

In the healthcare sector, UnitedHealth Group $UNH delivered better-than-expected Q3 results but saw its shares plunge 8.11% after forecasting 2025 profit below Street estimates. The company cited ongoing pressure in its government-supported health insurance businesses, sparking worries about rising medical costs across the industry.

On a brighter note, Johnson & Johnson $JNJ topped Q3 estimates as sales of its cancer drug Darzalex surged. The pharmaceutical giant raised its full-year 2024 sales outlook, sending shares up 1.55%.

The financial sector saw mixed results, with Goldman Sachs beating earnings expectations, while Bank of America's performance was more muted. Charles Schwab $SCHW was a standout, jumping 6.10% after reporting strong Q3 earnings fueled by asset gathering and sweep cash growth.

In the retail space, Walgreens Boots Alliance $WBA saw its stock soar 15.78% despite posting a wider Q4 loss. Investors cheered the company's cost-saving strategy, which includes plans to close 1,200 stores over the next three years.

The technology sector faced headwinds, with semiconductor stocks under pressure following a warning from Dutch chip equipment maker ASML about slowing demand. This raised concerns about the sustainability of the AI-driven rally that has propelled tech stocks this year.

Looking ahead, market participants will be closely watching upcoming earnings reports and economic data for further clues about the health of the economy and corporate America. With geopolitical tensions simmering and interest rates remaining elevated, investors are bracing for potential volatility in the coming weeks.

As always, diversification and a focus on long-term investment goals remain prudent strategies in navigating these uncertain market conditions.

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