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The options market saw some remarkable activity today, with whales making bold moves across several major stocks. As the market enters after-hours, traders are left analyzing these signals to anticipate what might come next. Let’s break down the significant options activity we tracked today.
$AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) saw a frenzy of options trades, with a total of 25 notable contracts. A balanced sentiment was observed, with 44% bullish and 44% bearish activity. Out of the trades, 22 were call options totaling $3.23 million, while 3 put contracts amounted to $196,510. The heavy call bias suggests that big-money traders might be positioning for an upside move in the near future.
$AVGO (Broadcom) also witnessed unusual options activity with 162 large trades. A bullish skew was evident, with 58% of traders leaning positive and only 30% bearish. Call contracts dominated, with 114 transactions valued at a whopping $7.14 million, compared to 48 put trades worth $2.94 million. The positioning hints at optimism surrounding Broadcom’s stock performance.
$BEKE (KE Holdings) saw 9 major trades today, with a slight bullish edge. 55% of traders opted for call options, investing $280,886, while 44% went bearish with puts totaling $2.92 million. Such a large put-to-call dollar imbalance suggests caution among some institutional traders despite the overall positive sentiment.
$CCL (Carnival) had an interesting session with 11 unusual trades. A bearish tone prevailed, with 63% of trades leaning negative. Four put contracts accounted for $206,670, while 7 call contracts totaled $577,607. Given Carnival’s recent stock movement, these options plays could indicate expectations of short-term volatility.
$CMCSA (Comcast) attracted deep-pocketed investors who took an overall bullish approach. While the identities of these traders remain unknown, such notable positioning suggests that institutional players expect significant movement in the stock.
$CMG (Chipotle Mexican Grill) drew attention with substantial bullish positioning. Whales placed high-stakes bets on CMG, suggesting insider confidence in the company’s near-term prospects. When large trades appear in Chipotle’s options chain, it’s often a sign that something big is brewing.
$DDOG (Datadog) leaned bearish today, with 24 major trades reflecting cautious sentiment. 12 put contracts valued at $846,352 outweighed the 12 call trades worth $585,217. This setup could signal downside risk or hedging activity.
$DELL (Dell Technologies) experienced 13 trades, with a balanced 46% split between bulls and bears. Calls significantly outweighed puts in dollar volume, with $804,153 invested in call contracts versus $141,732 in puts, hinting at potential optimism.
$DIS (Walt Disney) saw significant bullish bets from whales, indicating institutional confidence in the stock’s future performance. This options activity suggests that something noteworthy might be in the pipeline for Disney.
$DJT (Trump Media & Technology Group) had traders taking a bearish stance. Options history revealed notable put action, hinting at concerns about the stock’s future price action.
$GME (GameStop) saw increased options interest, with a bearish tilt. 50% of the observed trades leaned bearish, with 3 put contracts totaling $143,280 and 5 calls amounting to $168,526. As meme-stock momentum continues to fade, large investors may be positioning for further downside.
$LRCX (Lam Research) saw notable options activity that suggests insider confidence in a significant upcoming move. The scale of these trades indicates a belief that something major is on the horizon.
$LULU (Lululemon Athletica) witnessed heavy call buying, often a precursor to a bullish breakout. Given the size and nature of these trades, investors may want to watch LULU closely in the coming sessions.
With today’s unusual options activity, traders should keep a close eye on these stocks for potential catalysts that may emerge in the coming days. Whether these signals point to short-term moves or longer-term trends, it’s clear that institutional investors are making their bets. Stay sharp and watch the flow of the options market for further insights. #Unusual
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